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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

Arenas are the main areas where the game takes place. They feature boost pads dotted around the field. The four in the corners and 2 at the edges (8 in total on the Starbase ARC Arena) refill 100% boost, while all other pads refill 12% boost. In Core 707, there are no boost pads in the hexagonal arena.

The arenas also feature a cage-like structure, keeping both the ball and the players inside. It also allows players' cars to drive around it, though if not moving, they will slide down the walls, and cannot stick to the ceiling for too long.

Players spawn into the match at one of five places:

  • Goalie: Directly in front of the goal, inside the goal box
  • Defenders: Inside the penalty area in front of the goalie spawn
  • Wings: Outside the penalty area in front of the defender spawn

In Dropshot, each team spawns on opposite sides of the arena. In a 3v3 match, for example, one car is situated at the back and in the middle, with the other two cars positioned either side and slightly forward.


* Arenas marked in red denote those no longer available in online playlists.


Seasonal arenas are only made available for a limited period of time.

Arena variations

See also
