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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

See also: Luigi NSR, Samus' Gunship

Mario NSR is a battle-car released on November 14, 2017.[2] It is exclusive to Nintendo Switch players and is already unlocked at the beginning of the game.

The car can only be used by Orange team players.


The Mario NSR is not compatible with any decals, and cannot have its paint color changed.


The Mario NSR is not compatible with any Wheels apart from Mario NSR wheels.

Rocket Boost[]

The Mario NSR is not compatible with any Rocket Boost apart from Super Star rocket boost.


The Mario NSR is not compatible with any Toppers, apart from Mario topper.



  • The in-game files for Mario NSR refer to it as "calzone".[3]
  • When the car jumps, the sound when Mario jumps in Super Mario Bros. can be heard.[4]
  • Mario NSR can only equip "Mario" as Topper.
  • On other platforms, Mario NSR is seen as an Octane instead.

